Analysis. Optimisation. Solutions.

• Locally Owned and Operated 
• Water Treatment Optimisation Services 
• 20 years of Water Treatment Advice to Water          Authorities and Industry

High Sensitivity MIB and Geosmin Testing Now Available


High Quality Water Treatment and Consulting Service in Eltham.

Advanced Capability at the Highest Quality 
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Quality Policy 

Research Laboratory Services Pty Ltd is committed to supplying high quality services that are accurate, on time, and to the customers' requirements.

Through the implementation of procedures, maintenance of staff and all necessary resources, Research Laboratory Services Pty Ltd provides a framework for ongoing establishment and review of quality objectives (in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025) with particular emphasis on defect prevention, customer satisfaction, and continual improvement.

The staff of Research Laboratory Services Pty Ltd are fully aware of the Quality Policy and are committed to achieving its objectives.

The Quality Management Representative assists in training employees and contractors to perform their tasks accurately and efficiently with the objectivity of producing results “right first time”.

Subscriptions to water journals, memberships to water associations, and attendance at conferences and laboratories around the world ensure our staff are familiar with the current best international practice for the tests we provide. We dedicate ourselves to the liaison with other scientists within the field of water treatment analysis to ensure good ideas are shared and our knowledge (of laboratory techniques and water treatment processes) are up to date and innovative.

Customer satisfaction is our intention and through annual participation in proficiency trials (where possible) and ensuring appropriate controls are applied to all analysis runs we can provide our customers with the best possible service.

Our “open door” policy with our clients ensures that there is helpful discussion and interpretation of the results to provide data that is meaningful to them.

We also strive to assist the scientific community as a whole by regularly reporting our findings on the local and international stage through conference participation and publications.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Research Laboratory Services (RLS) is committed to taking practical steps to ensure that management and staff take appropriate actions to ensure the safety of staff, contractors and visitors in the workplace.
RLS recognises that health and safety is not one person’s responsibility. All members of management and staff will actively participate in the continuous development and management of health and safety in the workplace.

RLS will take all practical steps to :
• Provide and maintain for staff a safe working environment through hazard identification and management, utilising specialist advice, codes of practice, legislation and guidelines; and
• Provide and maintain for staff safe equipment, practices and procedures while they are at the workplace; and
• Provide to staff all training, information and supervision required to ensure they are aware of the safety requirements of their job; and
• Ensure that equipment used by any staff member at work is so arranged, designed, made, and maintained that it is safe for the staff member to use; and
• Ensure that while at work staff are not exposed to hazards arising out of the arrangement, disposal, manipulation, organisation, processing, storage, or transport of materials.
• Develop procedures for dealing with emergencies that may arise while staff are at work; and
• Ensure that all accidents and health issues are reported, investigated and referred to the Commissioner as applicable.

All RLS staff members are required to :
• Ensure that their actions do not cause harm to themselves or other persons through failure to follow procedures, failure to report hazards, failure to act in a safe and responsible manner.
• Ensure all accidents and incidents are reported immediately and the health and safety information is accurately reported and recorded.
• Identify and report any hazards, which may cause injury or harm and where possible do something about the hazard immediately.
• Follow all procedures established to ensure the safety of all staff, contractors and visitors.

Environmental Policy

Research Laboratory Services (RLS) is committed to conducting its business in a manner to ensure ongoing environmental protection and sustainability. 
RLS is committed to limiting its environmental impacts in all its operations by adhering to the following objectives: 

• Complying with all applicable laws, regulations and statutory obligations relating to environmental issues
• Managing environmental and related issues in accordance with any client requirements, policies and procedures
• Adhering to waste minimisation principles
• Taking practicable steps to prevent pollution and other adverse effects
• Educating and training staff to improve awareness, skills and knowledge of environmental issues and practices
• Identifying, reporting, investigating and resolving all environmental incidents and non-conformances
• Establishing, reviewing and communicating performance measures and taking action to improve outcomes
For more information feel free to contact us at
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